Grill chicken FAQ

5 min readApr 18, 2022

Common questions and isues answered

#1 What is the price of Chicken

❗️Chicken do not have a set price.

Higher TVL more Chicken per FTM Lower TVL less Chicken This creates level playing field so no user can be late. There is NO calculator available to work this out

#2 What will my daily percentage be?

❗️Daily percentage up to 8%

This depends on your harvesting habits, time of day you reinvest or deposit, and TVL fluctuations. Average daily return is 6–8%

#3 Why are my rewards not growing?

❗️Harvesting habits affect the reward, the more often you receive interest, your daily percentage drops a lot. If you only start with a small deposit, it will take time to show up on the dApp. Only go to 3 decimal places.

#4 What happens if I always harvest?

❗️If you always harvest, your daily percentage will drop dramatically and will not receive the highest daily returns. This is the anti-whale mechanism that prevents a whale draining the TVL.

#5 It’s better to reinvest more often or 2, 3 times a week

❗️Reinvesting is the same as compounding so it will be essentially the same. But You will need to pay standard FTM gas fee for each reinvestment.

#6 What are ‘Chicken’

❗️Chicken are miners hired with FTM and work for your rewards. This is just a term that we decided to use.

#7 Can I get my initial back?

❗️Grill chicken is a locked rewards pool, so no. You get your initial back over time through the my rewards section of the dApp

#8 How come my referrals aren’t showing | Where are they?

❗️Your referrals show up in the ‘My Rewards’ Section of the Grill chicken dApp.

Referral Bonus is 12%

#9 What are the fees?

❗️We will charge a 5% fee for withdrawals and deposits

in which 3% will be operating costs, 2% belongs to project marketing costs

Standard FTM network gas fees are required for EVERY transaction made deposit, withdraw and rollover! The common problem with rollovers is that there are no gas fees!

#10 Do Chicken amounts decrease when you harvest?

❗️No, the ‘Chicken’ amount will not change. If you make a new deposit or re-plant the amount will increase but not when you harvest (take rewards).

The ‘Chicken’ are less efficient over time if you harvest to much

#11 Is this sustainable?

❗️Well, as long as there is a TVL in the contract there will always be a bonus. Those who harvest too much are punished and the rewards get lower and lower.

It will last for a long time the higher the TVL

#12 What is the best strategy?

❗️We recommend the method and have tested it as stated in the contract.

Replant 6 days and harvest 1 day a week. It will combine your investment and get your original money back in 6–8 weeks

#13 What prevents the devs from rugging?

❗️The contract is immutable. Therefore cannot be changed or altered in any way shape or form.It is audited and verified. You can view this on and the audit it is found on the website

#14 The 6/1 Strategy explained

❗️It is 6 days not 6 times. In those 6 days yes you can replant as many times as desired. It is just compounding faster.

#15 Is it too late to invest?

❗️No, the contract is written to provide a optimal entry for any and all users, new or old. This is the reason the Chicken per FTM amount changes frequently with TVL fluctuation to provide an even playing field for any new user coming to Grill chicken and not giving the first user/s a head start.

#16 Can contract functions be added?

❗️No, the contract is immutable and cannot be changed. The contract works perfectly well as it is.No wallets can be blacklisted, no forcing people to re-plant 6 days and harvest 1 day a week. Nothing can be changed

#17 Does it have an anti whale mechanism?

❗️The contract has an in-built anti-whale mechanism. This works as follows; User 1 re-plants 6:1 gets the highest daily percentage in that 24 hour period. User 2 does 5:2 gets a lower percentage. User 3 does 4:3 and gets a lower percentage again. This happens all the way until the user who harvests continually rewards will drop to 0.5% per 24 hour period. This is to prevent 1 user draining the TVL, creating sustainability

#18 What is the minimum deposit?

❗️The minimum new deposit into Grill chicken is 1 FTM. If there are rewards in the “My Rewards” section and you

make a new deposit both the new deposit and rewards are transferred into Chicken

#19 What is the minimum reinvestment?

❗️The minimum replay value is 0.1 FTM.

You will always be charged for standard FTM gas

for any interaction with the contract

#20 how to add fantom network?

first you can access chainlist by link, connect your wallet and type in search box Fantom opera, then add it to metamask. To understand more please watch the video here

or you can add it manually by click on the Network selection dropdown and then click on Custom RPC. It will open up a form with 2 tabs on the top, Settings and Info.

Fantom In the Settings tab, copy and paste:

Network Name: Fantom Opera
RPC Url:
ChainID: 250
Symbol: FTM
Block Explorer URL:

#21 How do I buy $FTM to start investing?

⭕️ Through exchanges like, KuCoin, Binance are good. Coinbase will not let you send $FTM through the Fantom network.

⭕️ Coinbase users — You’ll have to create an account on KuCoin. Buy XLM on coinbase to send over to your KuCoin account. Sell XLM for USDT then USDT for FTM. Afterwards, you can send it to your metamask on the Fantom network


We do NOT guarantee one day it is up to 8%. Grill chicken is illegal in some countries, so please consider this when investing.

Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose, research carefully and take responsibility for all your investment decisions.

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Grill chicken is inspired by the delicious, nutritious grilled chicken that is loved by many, bringing cravings and the desire to have a lot in your wallet!